Hi, and welcome to my home page.
Thank you for visiting me here. Please have a good look around and let me know what you think.
I have been a film editor for over twenty years, cutting films from all over the world. In 2009, I decided to relocate to Thailand and after arriving on New Years Eve have enjoyed living in the Land of Smiles.
On this website you will find examples of my work, including a short showreel. Links to some of my favourite pages around the net.
As well links to my blogs. There are two I have running now, the first is my own personal opinions while the second is for my professional musings.
One thing I have noticed over the years as an editor, is that the best editors (in my opinion) are also photographers in one way or another. After all, is that not the core job of being an editor - to put the best visuals side by side to tell the story. And I am no different, here you will also find some galleries of my own work as a photographer. Some from Thailand and some from the UK, but all pictures that for me, show the world as I see it.
But it is not just about how I feel better here, it is also about feeling that the work I am doing now is some of the best I have ever done.
For years now I have been moulding films so that people can learn more about the world around them, and for that I am eternally grateful that I have a job that I enjoy. Being an editor is hard work, but when someone mentions a film that I made and it had an effect, then I feel happy about the long hours and effort to craft a moving story.
If I had one piece of advice for anyone wanting to become an editor, it would be to make sure you enjoy being in a dark room with many screens. Because as an editor the end product is all that matters. How you get to the end will depend on how you can get on with the producers and directors you have to work with. But eventually all the hard work will pay off and you will love the final programme like your own children.
I hope you like looking around my website and if you have any comments or suggestions, please feel free to contact me.